Improving Human Dignity Through Youth Empowerment.

Welcome to Advocate For Youth

Advocate For Youth is a youth-centered Non-Governmental Organization registered in Ghana since 2004. Our team consists of Social Scientists and Public Health scientists with a strong background and professional experience in promoting Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR).

Announcement! Announcement!! Announcement!!!


Are you a Head Teacher, Director or Proprietor or a PTA Chair Person of a private senior high school in Ghana? Are you fully aware of your role in the achievement of the sustainable development goals? If yes then this is an opportunity to know more and make your voice heard. Register now for executive worksop series coming up soon in your region. Click here for more information

Past Meetings

Programs Catgories

Online Teaching

When Directors meet

Plans and steps are taken to stop skin NTDs

Student Training

Group picture

During the worksop on skin NTDs

We Aim, through our innovative programs and partnerships, to help accelerate progress towards the achievement of:

  • . Sustainable Development Goal 3 (Health, with a focus on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights)

  • .Sustainable Development Goal 4 (education, with a focus on improving quality of education outcomes) and

  • .Sustainable Development Goal 5 (Gender Equality)


Our vision

A world where the youth can live their ideas and ideals, in a healthy body, to their own individual benefits and to the benefit of society as a whole.

Our Mission

To become a reference point for information related to the health empowerment of adolescents and young people across Africa through innovative programs designed to achieve positive behavior change and innovative surveillance, monitoring and evaluation strategies


Over 1000 Head Teachers and proprietors of Junior and Senior High Schools all over the country

Venue: Accra International Conference Center

Our Popular Programs

A Few Facts About AFY

Impactation In Students
Current Staffs
Students Reached Out

Biography of Organization

Advocate For Youth is a youth-centered Non-Governmental Organization registered in Ghana since 2004. Our team consists of Social Scientists and Public Health scientists with a strong background and professional experience in promoting Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) and Adolescent Health as well as preventing sexual violence and harmful practices against Adolescent Girls and Young Women (AGYW). As a non-governmental organization, we have the requisite level of commitment, knowledge base and experience set to contribute towards the achievement of the objectives of the United Nations Population Fund in Ghana. This team is best placed to be a reliable partner because apart from our individual and collective expertise, experience and interest in this subject matter, we are passionate about engaging adolescents and young people, especially girls and young women, and empowering them to grow to their fullest potential.

With over 14 years of multiple country experience in working to improve the health of adolescents and young people, especially girls and young women in a diverse set of geo-political settings, including through the education systems of different countries, we clearly recognize the synergy between health (SDG 3), education (SDG 4) and gender equality (SDG 5). Underpinned by the “leave no one behind” slogan, our technical team sees program design through the gender lens, addressing the factors, such as Sexual and Gender Based Violence; harmful practices such as child marriages and unintended pregnancies, that inhibit adolescent girls’ and young women’s access to education, health and sustainable livelihood opportunities.

Our Mission

To become a reference point for information related to the health empowerment of adolescents and young people across Africa through innovative programs designed to achieve positive behavior change and innovative surveillance, monitoring and evaluation strategies

Our Vision

A world where the youth can live their ideas and ideals, in a healthy body, to their own individual benefits and to the benefit of society as a whole.

The highest decision making body of the organization is the woman led Board of Directors. Directly reporting to the Board of Directors is the Executive Director, who is responsible for communicating the mission and vision of the organization both internally and externally and for overseeing the administrative and technical quality of the organization’s programs. Directly reporting to the Executive Director are the Program Coordinator and the Director of Finance and Administration. These two are responsible for overseeing the administrative and technical aspects of program implementation and general day to day implementation of activities as well as the financial aspects. The Monitoring and Evaluation Officer and the BCC Officer who are directly responsible for implementation and reporting, report directly to the Program Coordinator while the administrative secretary, finance officer and accountants report directly to the Director of Finance and Administration with cross cutting issues such as logistics and cash disbursement

Our impact on Adolescent Health in Ghana

Advocate For Youth has made a written contribution to the Ghana Education Service and partners UNESCO as requested, to help develop a framework for Comprehensive Sexuality Education in Ghana. We also played an important part in developing the Values-based Sexuality Education framework in Uganda. Through our innovative movement creation approach, we have empowered over 750,000 adolescent girls and young women. We have also empowered over 3,500 head teachers through our innovative Executive Seminar for Head Teachers and Proprietors of first and second cycle institutions safe spaces for young people. The High School Magazine project is one of our innovative approaches for empowering girls against discrimination and violence.


Sexuality Education is an important subject in Uganda. In recognition of the need to raise more awareness on this subject, the Hon. Ministry of Education and Sports has recently launched the National Sexuality Education Framework, which provides guidelines on how Sexuality Education should be handled in schools. There is an urgent need to disseminate this information far and wide among the Secondary Education sub-population.

The purpose of this year’s Executive Seminar for Head Teachers and Proprietors is to build the capacity or head teachers of Second Cycle Institutions in Uganda to enable them to champion the cause values-based Sexuality Education in Uganda

Advocate For Youth is specialized in achieving the health goals through the Education system of African countries by engaging, in a unique manner, stakeholders in the sector to tap the hidden resources for national development

The Executive Seminar is an innovation of Advocate For Youth, organized with technical and advisory support from UNFPA, UNESCO and UNAIDS, and Reproductive Health Uganda, under the auspices of the Ministry of Education.


Coming Soon


The Role of Heads and Proprietors of Institutions in creating Safe Spaces for In-School Adolescents and Young People in Ghana.


Health Indicators around adolescents (10 to 19 years old) and young people (15 to 24 years old), especially those of Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) have consistently presented very worrying trends over the years. Meanwhile, a lasting solution to this trend has persistently continued to elude the Public Health Community (PHC) while the problems continue to surge, especially in developing countries like Uganda. This raises serious questions such as "what is it that health professionals are not doing right", “What is it about this demographic group that makes it so difficult to significantly improve and sustain indicators around their Sexual and Reproductive Health? What do we need to do differently going forward?

In response to the quest by the United Nations to create SAFE SPACES for adolescents and young people, we are dedicating this maiden edition of the Executive Seminar Series in Ghana to the creation of safe spaces or in-school adolescents and young people in the country.

The purpose of this year’s Executive Seminar for Head Teachers and Proprietors is to build the capacity or head teachers and proprietors of both public and private Second Cycle Institutions in Ghana to enable them to ensure the creation of SAFE SPACES within their school compounds or the adolescents and young people in their care.

Advocate For Youth is specialized in achieving the health and empowerment related Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through the Education system of African countries by engaging, in a unique manner, stakeholders in the sector to tap the hidden resources of Head Masters and Head Mistresses in ensuring that the adolescents and young people in their care are able to live healthy lives and live to their fullest potential. This is essential in ensuring that they become useful to themselves and also contribute their quota for national development.

The Executive Seminar is an innovation of Advocate For Youth, Africa. It was started in Uganda in the year 2015 and has grown to become an annual technical capacity building platform for Head Teachers and Proprietor with 4 annual editions held so far in Uganda. This has been achieved through the financial technical and advisory support from UNFPA, UNESCO and UNAIDS, and Reproductive Health Uganda, under the auspices of the Ministry of Education in different capacities.

Theme for this year’s Executive Seminar

The Role of Heads and Proprietors of Institutions in creating Safe Spaces for In-School Adolescents and Young People.

In attendance:

- Representatives from the Ministry of Education, Uganda

Keynote Addresses by : - A renowned professor from the University of Cape Coast

- Country Representative, UNFPA Ghana

Other Special Guest Speakers and facilitators


Over 1000 Head Teachers and proprietors of Junior and Senior High Schools all over the country

Venue: Accra International Conference Center

Advocate For Youth is committed to building partnerships that produce positive synergies between government agencies, NGOs, the private sector and other relevant institutions. The organization is specialized in the empowerment of adolescents and young people in schools within Africa.

With more than 14 years of rich multiple country experience in working with Ministries of Education and of health to design innovative ways of engaging this important but marginalized demographic group and projecting their voices on important issues, especially those that affect them, we have come a long way and are ready to put our rich experience at the disposal of our country and the continent as a whole.

We have our unique BCC approach of engendering and fostering an effective dialogue among adolescents and young people as a strategy for:

We aim, through our innovative programs and partnerships, to help accelerate progress towards the achievement of:


Among many other benefits of this Executive Seminar, we expect that by the end of this two-day program, participants would:


Coming Soon


The Role of Heads and Proprietors of Institutions in creating Safe Spaces for In-School Adolescents and Young People in Ghana.


Health Indicators around adolescents (10 to 19 years old) and young people (15 to 24 years old), especially those of Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) have consistently presented very worrying trends over the years. Meanwhile, a lasting solution to this trend has persistently continued to elude the Public Health Community (PHC) while the problems continue to surge, especially in developing countries like Uganda. This raises serious questions such as "what is it that health professionals are not doing right", “What is it about this demographic group that makes it so difficult to significantly improve and sustain indicators around their Sexual and Reproductive Health? What do we need to do differently going forward?

In response to the quest by the United Nations to create SAFE SPACES for adolescents and young people, we are dedicating this maiden edition of the Executive Seminar Series in Ghana to the creation of safe spaces or in-school adolescents and young people in the country.

The purpose of this year’s Executive Seminar for Head Teachers and Proprietors is to build the capacity or head teachers and proprietors of both public and private Second Cycle Institutions in Ghana to enable them to ensure the creation of SAFE SPACES within their school compounds or the adolescents and young people in their care.

Advocate For Youth is specialized in achieving the health and empowerment related Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through the Education system of African countries by engaging, in a unique manner, stakeholders in the sector to tap the hidden resources of Head Masters and Head Mistresses in ensuring that the adolescents and young people in their care are able to live healthy lives and live to their fullest potential. This is essential in ensuring that they become useful to themselves and also contribute their quota for national development.

The Executive Seminar is an innovation of Advocate For Youth, Africa. It was started in Uganda in the year 2015 and has grown to become an annual technical capacity building platform for Head Teachers and Proprietor with 4 annual editions held so far in Uganda. This has been achieved through the financial technical and advisory support from UNFPA, UNESCO and UNAIDS, and Reproductive Health Uganda, under the auspices of the Ministry of Education in different capacities.

Theme for this year’s Executive Seminar

The Role of Heads and Proprietors of Institutions in creating Safe Spaces for In-School Adolescents and Young People.

In attendance:

- Representatives from the Ministry of Education, Uganda

Keynote Addresses by : - A renowned professor from the University of Cape Coast

- Country Representative, UNFPA Ghana

Other Special Guest Speakers and facilitators


Over 1000 Head Teachers and proprietors of Junior and Senior High Schools all over the country

Venue: Accra International Conference Center

Advocate For Youth is committed to building partnerships that produce positive synergies between government agencies, NGOs, the private sector and other relevant institutions. The organization is specialized in the empowerment of adolescents and young people in schools within Africa.

With more than 14 years of rich multiple country experience in working with Ministries of Education and of health to design innovative ways of engaging this important but marginalized demographic group and projecting their voices on important issues, especially those that affect them, we have come a long way and are ready to put our rich experience at the disposal of our country and the continent as a whole.

We have our unique BCC approach of engendering and fostering an effective dialogue among adolescents and young people as a strategy for:

We aim, through our innovative programs and partnerships, to help accelerate progress towards the achievement of:


Among many other benefits of this Executive Seminar, we expect that by the end of this two-day program, participants would:

Let's get in touch

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    Greater Accra Region - Ghana
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